New Book is Out Now!

"Our newest book is now available! Discover the latest adventure and journey into a world of imagination.

¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!
Mommy, tell me, why did you come here?

“¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!” scaffolds the telling of the story of why a Latin American mother would take on the journey of migration. In a colorful, heartfelt, and developmentally sensitive way, this life transforming book helps all immigrant mothers to tell their children about their origins, their dreams, and how their unconditional love brought them to the United States in the hopes of creating the life of safety, peace, promise, and abundance any parent would want to give to his child. This book expands on the psychological themes and experiences of immigrant mothers introduced by the author in her first book, “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!”

¡Mamá, cuéntame cómo viniste!
Mommy, tell me, how you got here?

With humble crayon drawings and the innocence of children’s curiosity, “¡Mamá, cuéntame como viniste!” tells the life transforming saga of the immigrant mother going through the unthinkable to bring to her children possibility and safety. Although this book was born in the work with Latino American mothers, its loving and powerful message gives voice to the immigrant mothers of our global community. This book is profound and it is transforming for children and adults as it allows in a gentle and sensitive way to talk about both the hope and the massive losses inherent to the journey of all of us, immigrants.

Mommy, Why Am I Superhero Too?

“With her humble crayons, Silvia creates an illustrated storybook that follows a child’s wondering about his changing world in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. What makes this story different, and enduring is that as the child explores the big city where he lives through his window; he discovers that his dad, an immigrant supermarket delivery man, is a superhero of the pandemic but his dad has a different idea about who the real superhero of these times is!”

¿Mamá, Porqué Papá Dice Que Yo Soy El Héroe?

Con sus humildes crayones, Silvia crea un libro de cuentos ilustrado que sigue las preguntas de un niño sobre su mundo cambiante en tiempos de la pandemia de COVID-19. Lo que hace que esta historia sea diferente y tierna es que cuando el niño pregunta a sus padres sobre los idas y venidas de la pandemia en la gran ciudad donde vive; descubre que su papá, un repartidor de supermercado inmigrante, es un superhéroe de la pandemia… Pero su papá tiene una idea diferente sobre quién es el verdadero superhéroe de estos tiempos.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions or just want to say hello, please drop us a line. We can't wait to hear from you!"